How to Determine Decimal 4Rabet Id Odds Using Probability

Using the Probability Formula on 4Rabet Id to Convert Decimal Odds:

Decimal Odds


1 / implied probability

Let's look at an example. In this case, we believe Arsenal has a 75% chance of defeating Stoke. We wish to transform 75% into odds to calculate decimal odds from probability:

Example: How to Work Out Decimal Odds:

1 / 0.75



A 75% implied chance yields Decimal Odds of 1.33.

How to Determine Fractional Odds Using Probability

Using the Probability Formula to Convert Fractional Odds:

Fractional odds = ( 1 / implied probability ) -1

Consider the following scenario: we believe Wayne Rooney has a 25% chance of scoring a goal. In this case, the fractional odds target is determined as follows:

Example of Fractional Odds Calculation:

(1 / 0.25) – 1


4 – 1



Because the result of this formula is 3, we shall describe the odds as fractional odds, 3 /1.

How to Determine Moneyline Odds Using Probability

Translating implied probability to moneyline odds is a little more difficult than translating it to decimal or fractional odds. The computation is based on whether the implied likelihood is greater than 50% or less than 50%.

When the implied probability is more than 50%, we perform the following calculation.

Using Moneyline Odds to Convert Probability (50% and Above):

Moneyline Odds


– ( implied probability / (1 – implied probability)) x 100

Consider the following scenario: we believe Liverpool has a 75% chance of defeating Everton. The moneyline odds target will be determined as follows in this example:

Example: How to Subtract Moneyline Odds:

– (0.75 / (1 – 0.75)) x100


– (0.75 / 0.25) x 100


– 3 x 100


– 300

Moneyline odds = – 300.

When the implied chance is less than 50%, the calculation is slightly modified.

Using Moneyline Odds to Convert Probability (Below 50%):

Moneyline odds


(1 – implied probability) / implied probability  x 100

Consider the following scenario: we believe West Ham has a 25% chance of defeating Manchester City. The moneyline odds target will be determined as follows in this example:

Example of plus Moneyline Odds Calculation:

0.75 / 0.25 x 100


3 x 100



Moneyline odds = + 300.

Converting Decimal Odds to Fractions

Outside of North America, the most popular odds formats are decimal odds and fractional odds. Fortunately, converting decimal odds to fractions is simple.

If your decimal odds are a round number, such as 7.0, we simply subtract one and use a denominator of one.

For example, odds of 7.0 are equivalent to fractional odds of 6/1.

What if our decimal odds aren't round? What about odds of 5.25?

The first step is to deduct one from the decimal odds and use a denominator of one. This results in a fractional odd of 4.25/1.

4Rabet Id never show fractional odds that include a fraction within a fraction. The next step is to complete the numerator. To do this, simply multiply the numerator by the number of times it has to be round.

In this situation, we must multiply 4.25 by 4, yielding a numerator of 17. The denominator is then the number of times we multiplied the odds, in this case four.

This gives us fractional chances of 17/4, which is the same as decimal odds of 5.25.